Global Game Jam 2022: Lumino

Playthrough video.
You play as a small dragon-like sea serpent trying to traverse the dark waters of the deep where shadow monsters lurk, but you can only see when you stand still.

Created by Thomas, Frank, Anton, and Dani (Full credits in artwork desc.)

Splash art.

Splash art.

A piece of concept art I've made for the project.

A piece of concept art I've made for the project.

Dark version of the concept drawing.

Dark version of the concept drawing.

Let the jellyfish guide you.

Let the jellyfish guide you.

Monsters lurk in the shadows.

Monsters lurk in the shadows.

What an adorable little plant! ...Wait...

What an adorable little plant! ...Wait...

A beautiful ocean to swim around in.

A beautiful ocean to swim around in.

This year my team and I created a 2D atmospheric horror game called Lumino. Download the game HERE -->


* Thomas van den Heuvel ( )
[ Character design, water shader, special effects ]

* Frank Rombouts ( )
[ Character designs, character animation ]

* Anton Gavrilov ( )
[ Programming, level design ]

* Daniëlle Aurora Verburg ( )
[ Environment art, level design, lighting ]